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2019 대한건축학회 추계학술대회 발표논문
작성자 최** 작성일 2019-11-01 조회수 114

발표자 : 석사 과정 최한성

논문 제목 : 가스사용량 데이터를 이용한 아파트의 에너지성능 해석

               An Evaluation of Energy Performance of Apartment Housing using District Gas Utilities


Abstract : This study evaluated energy performance of apartments in Ulsan, South Korea, in order to categorize deteriorated buildings that need to be retrofitted or green-remodeling in the future. The gas utility bills for 200 households in four different units that were constructed in different years were collected and analyzed using 3 parameter regression model. As a results, it was found that the apartments that have constructed in earlier years relatively were extracted to the deteriorated building category.